You can use your debit card or checking account number(lower fee for us) to give to the General Fund, Building Fund, Missions, or any combination of the 3 by clicking the button below.  In fact you can setup a recurring monthly gift as well.  It's simple and secure!

Mobile Users can give via text
by texting GIVE to +1(888) 411-3304 or simply
Clicking Give Via Text to get started!

Tornado Relief Donation via Mobile

Text TORNADORELIEF to +1(888) 411-3304

Alternatively, you can also give via the Donation Box below by selecting Tornado Relief

Select the funds to which your donation should be applied. If you don't have any specific funds in mind, leave this section blank.
General Fund
Disaster Relief
I authorize First Baptist Church to initiate, and my financial institution to honor, a one-time electronic debit from my account on the date, for the amount, and from the account listed.